70,00 zł
50,00 zł
40,00 zł
D&D Icons of the Realms: Phandelver and Below: the Shattered Obelisk Booster Brick
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Planowana premiera: 17/01/2024
Data premiery może ulec zmianie, jest zależna do producenta
Journey beyond Phandalin with our 29th set in our Icons of the Realms line of pre-painted Dungeons & Dragons miniatures featuring characters new and old to enhance your Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk campaign.
Collect all 47 miniatures from our newest set of randomly sorted monsters and characters featuring villains like Nezznar the Spider and nightmarish monsters like the grotesque Otyugh Mutate and Ettin Ceremorph.
Each Booster Brick contain 8 Boosters.
Each Booster contain 1 Large miniature and 3 Medium or Small miniatures.